Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Cloud Maintenance

Although it's often referred to as "infrastructure as code", there is very little code in what most people call DevOps. It's mostly markup. This can cause maintenance issues. There are, however, ways of dealing with this situation.

CDK8s is the Cloud Development Kit for Kubernetes. It has Typescript, Java, Python and Go implementations.
"I wouldn’t head down the Helm path for that before I took a long look at CDK8s.  Helm templates are a nightmare for debugging in my experience. Instead having a real programming language backing up the templates is so much better...  It renders the YAML, it does not apply it. I use it with ArgoCD as my deployment mechanism. So I take the resulting YAML and check it into git for ArgoCD to apply to the cluster.  Execution of the CDK8s code and check into git is automatic as part of the CI jobs." [Reddit]
CDK8s is a templating framework that allows you to build K8s config files in a number of languages, including Java.

"KCL is an open-source, constraint-based record and functional programming language. It leverages mature programming language technology and practices to facilitate the writing of many complex configurations. KCL is designed to improve modularity, scalability, and stability around configuration, simplify logic writing, speed up automation, and create a thriving extension ecosystem." [DevOps.dev]. Its config is made up of schema, lambdas and rules [home] that constrain not just the structure of the document but also the values.

KCL is a new language whild CDK8s leverages popular languages that already exist.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Automated documentation

I've never seen anybody go back to fixing documentation that goes out of date - but then I've only been software engineering for 30 years. Since nobody ever fixes it, a better strategy is to automate it.

To this end, there is OpenApi (formally Swagger) for documenting REST API endpoints. There are tools that convert the OpenAPI config files into Python, Java, Scala amongst others. You can go the other way and generate code from the OpenAPI config files (example for Python here). 

An example can be found in the Apache Polaris codebase where Gradle builds the classes given a YAML file. IntelliJ quite cleverly recognises it as an OpenApi file and allows you to test the API by invoking the service through the IDE.

IntelliJ's version of Postman

It will even generate the DTOs as defined in the YAML file.

Databricks' DABs

If you're writing Databricks code in an IDE that is to be run on an ad hoc basis (rather than some CI/CD pipeline) you might want to use the Databricks VSCode plugin. This will automatically build your Data Asset Bundle for you. Upon signing in, a databricks.yml file will be created at the root of your project. It contains the minimum amount of information to deploy your code to .bundle in your DBx home directory under a sub-folder called the bundle's name field.

You can also deploy bundles via VSCode. Configure a root_path under workspace in databricks.yml and when you press the cloud button on the BUNDLE RESOURCE EXPLORER pane withing the Databricks module:

Upload via the cloud button
the bundle will be uploaded to the workspace and directory specified. You can, of course, use the databricks CLI. But for ad hoc uploads, VS Code is very convenient. By default, deployments are to /Users/${workspace.current_user.userName}/.bundle/${bundle.target}/${bundle.name}.

Configuration can be for development of production mode. The advantage of development is "turns off any schedules and automatic triggers for jobs and turns on development mode for Delta Live Tables pipelines. This lets developers execute and test their code without impacting production data or resources." [1]

[1] Data Engineering With Databricks, Cookbook.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Kafka on Kubernetes notes

I installed Strimzi which keeps a Kafka cluster in line inside a Kubernetes cluster. The instructions seem easy. 

helm repo add strimzi https://strimzi.io/charts/
helm repo update
kubectl delete namespace kafka
helm install strimzi-kafka-operator strimzi/strimzi-kafka-operator --namespace kafka --create-namespace

then run your configuration of choice:

kubectl apply -f kafka/kraft/kafka-ephemeral.yaml -n kafka

from the strimzi-kafka-operator/examples directory. Note: you'll have to change the cluster name in that YAML from my-cluster to your cluster name (kafka for me).

But I had a helluva job making it work. This post is how I solved the many problems.

What is Strimzi?

First, let's look at the architecture of Kubernetes.

Kubernetes is built on the notion of primitives that are constructed to create the whole. You can extend Kubernetes using a CustomResourceDefinition. A "CRD, allows us to add any new resource type to a cluster dynamically. We simply provide the API server with the name of the new resource type and a specification that’s used for validation, and immediately the API server will allow us to create, read, up­ date, and delete resources of that new type." [1]

Note that CRDs have no actual functionality of their own. For that you need Operators. CRDs are the plug into which Operators fit. They are notified of events to the CRD via an Informer. "The Kubernetes API server provides a declar­ative API, where the primary actions are to create, read, update, and delete resources in the cluster." [1] That is, you tell K8s what you want and it does it's best to achieve that aim. Your Operator is that workhorse.

In our example above, we deploy the CRD with helm install... and invoke its API with kubectl apply -f....

"DaemonSets are used to manage the creation of a particular Pod on all or a selected set of nodes in a cluster. If we configure a DaemonSet to create Pods on all nodes, then if new nodes are added to the cluster, new pods will be created to run on these new nodes." [2] This is useful for system related pods like Flannel, a CNI (Container Network Interface) plugin, which should run on each node in the cluster. Contrast this to ReplicaSets for which a typical use case is managing your application pods.

"The kube-dns Service connects to a DNS server Deployment called Core­DNS that listens for changes to Services in the Kubernetes cluster. CoreDNS updates the DNS server configuration as required to stay up to date with the current cluster configuration." [1]. CoreDNS gave me some issues too (see below).

BTW, you can also look at Cruise Control which is an open source Java that "helps run Apache Kafka clusters at large scale".


And it's Flannel that started crashing for me with strange errors. It was largely by bloody mindedness that I fixed things. Here's a few things I learned along the way. 

The first is that I needed to start kubeadm with --pod-network-cidr= [SO] when I was following the instructions in a previous post (apparently, you need another CIDR if you use a different plugin like Calico). This prevents "failed to acquire lease" error messages.

Flannel was still complaining with a "cni0" already has an IP address different from 10.... error message [SO]. It appears that some network config from the previous installation needed to be rolled back. Well,  kubeadm reset does warn you that The reset process does not clean CNI configuration. To do so, you must remove /etc/cni/net.d.

So, to completely expunge all traces of the previous Kubernetes installation, I needed to run something like this script on all boxes:

sudo kubeadm reset && \
sudo rm -rf /etc/cni/net.d && \
sudo ipvsadm --clear && \
sudo systemctl stop kubelet && \
sudo systemctl stop docker && \
sudo systemctl stop containerd.service && \
rm -rf ~/.kube && echo Done!
sudo systemctl restart containerd && sudo systemctl restart kubelet

Bear in mind that this will completely blat your installation so you will need to run sudo kubeadm init... again.

Next I was getting infinite loops [GitHub coredns] in domain name resolution with causes the pod to crash with CrashLoopBackOff. This offical doc helped me. As I understand it, Kubernetes should not use /etc/resolv.conf as this will forward a resolution on to K8s which will then look up it's nameserver in this file and so on forever. Running:

sudo echo "resolvConf: /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf" >> /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf 
sudo systemctl restart kubelet

solved that. Note that /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf should contain something like:

nameserver fe80::REDACTED:d575%2
search home

and no more. If you have more than 3 entries [GitHub], kubelet prints an error but it seems to continue anyway.

Next were "Failed to watch *v1.Namespace" in my coredns pods.

First I tried debugging but deploying a test pod with:

kubectl run -n kafka dns-test --image=busybox --restart=Never -- sleep 3600
kubectl exec -it -n kafka dns-test -- sh

(If you want to SSH into a pod that has one container, use [SO], add a -c CONTAINER_NAME.)

This confirmed that there was indeed a network issue as it could not contact the api-server either. Note that although BusyBox is convenient, you might prefer "alpine rather than busybox as ... we’ll want to use some DNS commands that require us to install a more full­ featured DNS client." [1]

Outside the containers, this worked on the master host:

nslookup kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local

but not a worker box. It should as it's the virtual IP address of the core DNS (see this by running kubectl get svc -n kube-system)

The problem wasn't Kubernetes config at all but firewalls. Running this on my boxes:


(where IP_ADDRESS_OF_OTHER_BOX is for each box in the cluster) finally allowed my Strimzi Kafka cluster to start and all the other pods seemed happy too. Note there are security implications to these commands as they allow all traffic from IP_ADDRESS_OF_OTHER_BOX.

Nodes on logging

To get all the untruncated output of the various tools, you'll need:

kubectl get pods -A  --output=wide
journalctl  --no-pager  -xeu kubelet
systemctl status -l --no-pager  kubelet

And to test connections to the name servers use:

curl -v telnet://

rather than ping as ping may be disabled.

This command shows all events in a given namespace:

kubectl get events -n kube-system

and this will print out something to execute showing the state of all pods:

for POD in $(kubectl get pods -A | awk '{print $2 " -n " $1}' | grep -v NAME) ; do { echo "kubectl describe pod $(echo $POD) | grep -A20 ^Events"  ;   } done

Simple scriptlets but they helped me so I making a note for future reference.

[1] Book of Kubernetes, Holm
[2] The Kubernetes Workshop

Monday, February 3, 2025

NVidia Drivers on Linux

Whenever I do an upgrade, it generally goes well except for the video drivers. Updating is generally:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo do-release-upgrade

and addressing any issues interactively along the way (for instance, something had changed my tlp.conf).

However, even after an otherwise successul upgrade, I was having trouble with my monitor. Firstly, the laptop screen was blank while the external was OK (the upgrade had not installed NVidia drivers); then the other way around; then the colours were odd (driver version 525).

At first, I went on a wild goose chase with missing X11 config. I think the conf file is supposed to be absent and the advice in this old askubuntu post is old. The official NVidia site itself was also not helpful.

I had to blat all NVidia drivers with [LinuxMint]:

sudo apt purge *nvidia*
sudo apt autoremove

I also updated the kernel with [askubuntu]:

sudo update-initramfs -u

and the kernel headers:

sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

then (as recommended at askubuntu):

sudo ubuntu-drivers install nvidia:535

Version 535 seems stable and rebooting gave me a working system. YMMV.

I had tried 525 as sometimes the release before last is more stable (or so I read) but no joy. To clean them up, I needed to run:

sudo sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/nvidia-dkms-525.* ~/Temp

as not all versions seem to be stable.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Databricks in an ADF pipeline

ADF is a nasty but ubiquitous techology in the Azure space. It's low-code and that means a maintenance nightmare. What's more, if you try to do anything remotely clever, you'll quickly hit a brick wall.

Fortunately, you can make calls from ADF to Databricks notebooks where you can write code. In our case, this was to grab the indexing SQL from SQL Server and version control it in Git. At time of writing, there was no Activity in ADF to access Git.

To access Git you need a credential. You don't want to hardcode it into notebook as anybody who has access to it can see it. So, you store it as a secret with something like:

echo GIT_CREDENTIAL | databricks secrets put-secret YOUR_SCOPE YOUR_KEY
databricks secrets put-acl YOUR_SCOPE YOUR_USER READ

where YOUR_SCOPE is the namespace in which the secret lives (can be anything modulo some reserved strings); YOUR_KEY is the key for retrieval and YOUR_USER is the user onto whom you wish to bestow access.

Now, your notebook can retrieve this information with:

git_credential = dbutils.secrets.get(scope="YOUR_SCOPE", key="YOUR_KEY")

and although others might see this code, the value is only accessible at runtime and only when YOUR_USER is running it.

Next, we want to get an argument that is passed to the Databricks notebook from ADF. You can do this in Python with:

dbutils.widgets.text(MY_KEY, "")
parameter = dbutils.widgets.get(MY_KEY)

where MY_KEY is a base parameter in the calling ADF Notebook Activity, for example:

Passing arguments to a Databricks notebook from ADF

Finally, you pass a return value back to ADF with:


and use it back in the ADF workflow by referencing @activity("YOUR_NOTEBOOK_ACTIVITY_NAME").output.runOutput in this case where we want to run the SQL the notebook returned:

ADF using the value returned from the Databricks notebook

That's how ADF talks to Databricks and how Databricks replies. There's still the small matter of how the notebook invokes Git.

This proved unexpectedly complicated. To check the code out was easy:

import subprocess
print(subprocess.run(["git", "clone", f"https://NHSXEI:{git_credential.strip()}@dev.azure.com/YOUR_GIT_URL/{repo_name}"], capture_output=True))

but to run some arbitrary shell commands in that directory via Python was complicated as I could not cd into this new directory. This is because cd is a built-in [SO] of the shell not an executable. So, instead I used a hack: my Python wrote some dynamically generated shell script, wrote it to a file and executed it from a static piece of shell script. Bit ick but does the job.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Upgrading Kubernetes

I'm adding a new node to my home K8s cluster. Conveniently, I can find the command to run on the client who wants to join by running this on the master [SO]:

kubeadm token create --print-join-command

However, joining proved a problem because my new machine has Kubernets 1.32 and my old cluster is still on 1.28. K8s allows a difference of 1 but this was just too big a jump. 

So, time to upgrade the cluster.

First I had to update the executables by folowing the official documents to put the correct keyrings in place. I also had to overridr the held packages with --allow-change-held-packages as all my boxes are Ubuntu and can be upgraded in lockstep. This meant I didn't have to run:

sudo kubeadm upgrade apply 1.32
sudo kubeadm config images pull --kubernetes-version 1.32.1

However, I must have bodged something as getting the nodes showed the master was in a state of Ready,SchedulingDisabled [SO] where uncordon did the trick. I was also getting "Unable to connect to the server: tls: failed to verify certificate: x509" amongst other errors), so I rolled back [ServerFault] all config with:

sudo kubeadm reset

To be honest, I had to do this a few times as until I worked out that my bodge was an incorrect IP address in my /etc/hosts file for one of my nodes - d'oh.

Then I followed the orginal instructions I used to set up the cluster last year. But don't forget the patch I mention in a previous post. Also note that you must add KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS="--cgroup-driver=cgroupfs" to /etc/default/kubelet and the JSON to /etc/docker/daemon.json on the worker nodes too

[Addendum. I upgrade an Ubuntu box from 20 to 22 and had my flannel and proxy pods on that box constantly crashing. Proxy was reporting "nodePortAddresses is unset; NodePort connections will be accepted on all local IPs. Consider using `--nodeport-addresses primary`". Following the instructions in the previoud paragraph a second time solved the problem as the upgrade had clearly blatted some config.]

I checked the services [SO] with:

systemctl list-unit-files | grep running | grep -i kube 

which showed the kubelet is running (enabled means it will restart upon the next reboot; you can have one without the other) and 

sudo systemctl status kubelet

Things seemed OK:

$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces 
NAMESPACE      NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
kube-flannel   kube-flannel-ds-7zmz8         1/1     Running   4 (88m ago)   89m
kube-flannel   kube-flannel-ds-sh4nk         1/1     Running   9 (64m ago)   86m
kube-system    coredns-668d6bf9bc-748ql      1/1     Running   0             94m
kube-system    coredns-668d6bf9bc-zcxfp      1/1     Running   0             94m
kube-system    etcd-nuc                      1/1     Running   8             94m
kube-system    kube-apiserver-nuc            1/1     Running   8             94m
kube-system    kube-controller-manager-nuc   1/1     Running   6             94m
kube-system    kube-proxy-dd4gc              1/1     Running   0             94m
kube-system    kube-proxy-hlzhj              1/1     Running   9 (63m ago)   86m
kube-system    kube-scheduler-nuc            1/1     Running   6             94m

Note the nuc node name indicates it's running on my cluster's master and the other pods (flannelcoredns and kube-proxy) have an instance on each node in the cluster.

Note also that we'd expect two Flannel pods as there are two nodes in the cluster.

It's worth noting at this point that kubectl is a client side tool. In fact, you won't be able to see the master until you scp /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf on the master into your local ~/.kube/config.

Contrast this with kubeadm which is a cluster side tool.